This handy chart compares the following spring wheat varieties we have for sale on key attributes including: grain yield, height, straw strength, disease etc.
Early maturing semi-dwarf spring wheat with high yields and good standability.
This is a new high yielding hard red spring wheat from Secan that has wheat midge resistance.
AAC Hockley, the next generation in genetic potential offering consistent high yields and improved grain protein. This semi-dwarf variety has industry-leading standability, significantly better than all checks and can stand up to an intensive fertilizer management plan. The disease package is excellent, with ‘MR’ or better for all priority one diseases including FHB.
CDC Adamant VB is the first CWRS wheat that provides resistance to both wheat stem sawfly and orange blossom wheat midge . Farmers can now access unsurpassed protection from insect damage without having to sacrifice top-end yields.
AAC Viewfield is the shortest CWRS wheat to date with excellent straw strength, making it a top choice for irrigation and high yield environments. It’s a top yielder with improved protection against fusarium head blight (FHB) and sprouting.
Brandon is semi-dwarf variety is capable of achieving high yields across many types of land and climate conditions on the prairies and is known for it's excellent quality protein and holding grade.
If you are looking for alotta yield and a variety that has very good straw strength then Alotta is the variety you have been waiting for! This is our Pasteur replacement and is perfect for farmers who normally sell their wheat into the feed market anyways.
A soft white spring wheat developed at the AAFC Lethbridge Research Station. Well adapted to all growing areas of western Canada. It is medium tall in height, high yielding and exhibits good resistance to stripe and stem rust.
There are quite a few differences between the Alberta Seed Guide and Saskatchewan Seed Guide on Durum variety results. Results can be affected by so many variables! So we have decided to show the comparison chart for both guides looking at the key attributes including: grain yield, height, straw strength, disease etc.
Newly released!!! AAC Schrader is the first and only durum with an ‘I’ (Intermediate Resistance Rating) for Fusarium Head Blight, displaying the highest resistance to FHB in CWAD. It is very high yielding with good standability!
AAC Schrader is a very unique variety, bearing a strong “I” or Intermediate rating for Fusarium Head Blight, and is the only variety of its kind commercially available globally. As a result the variety owner, FP Genetics, has created a Stewardship Agreement to protect the variety. The agreement allows farmers to use farm saved seed from this variety but restricts use for other purposes. See more info below:
With it's strong straw, AAC Stronghold will be an excellent fit for southern Alberta, particularly under irrigation. Solid stem sawfly resistance makes it a smart choice on dryland.
This is a new high yielding Durum variety that has been topping the charts for yield in both the Sask Seed Guide and AB Seed Guide.
CDC Defy durum wheat is an exciting new variety that looks to hold great promise for durum production in the future.
AAC Congress is high-yielding durum wheat variety with superior end-use qualities and some drought resistance.
Slightly higher yield than Strongfield and better fusarium resistance! Transcend can be counted on to produce a nice quality sample.