Chin Ridge is a friendly family business that treats all our employees with respect. We are always looking for good people, so if you are interested in employment with us, send us your resume and a cover letter explaining what kind of job you are looking for and we will consider your application.
Current Open Positions:
Seasonal Cattle Person required for winter calving season - February / March. Competitive wages, housing available. Contact seed@chinridge.com with resume or for more info. Must have Class 5 license in good standing.
Seasonal Class 3 Truck Driver/Farm Worker required for spring seeding (April/May) and harvest (August/Sept) seasons. Competitive wages, housing available. Contact seed@chinridge.com with resume or for more info.
Seasonal Yard / Building Caretaker required for April - October. Responsible for lawn and tree maintenance, building repairs, and other handyman activities on a number of farm yards in 5 km area. Rate for maintenance to be negotiated and will include year round housing available on farm. Contact seed@chinridge.com with resume or for more info.
Full time Ranch/Farm help. Help with cattle operation - feeding, calving, branding etc and help with farm equipment operation and other farming activities. Must have Class 3 license for tandem truck driving. Competitive wages, Blue Cross Benefits, on farm housing available. Contact seed@chinridge.com with resume or for more info.