Certified Seed News & Videos | Chin Ridge Seeds
Top  Forage Barley Choices

Top Forage Barley Choices

Still trying to decide what to seed this spring? We have updated this popular article for our most recent thoughts on the top forage barley varieties for the western prairies!. This one is for the farm and ranch folks out there!

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Our Top Picks- Seed Varieties for Spring!

Our Top Picks- Seed Varieties for Spring!

If you want the inside scoop! The "behind the scenes" insight into why we think certain varieties are top picks for Spring 2024! Then check out this page.

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Top 5 reasons to seed a fall crop

Top 5 reasons to seed a fall crop

Are you on the fence about seeding a fall crop? Here are the top 5 reasons to consider getting off the fence this year and giving it a go! Whether it's Winter Wheat or Hybrid Rye or Alfalfa, here are some of the benefits to seeding a fall crop:

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Why Consider winter wheat this fall?

Why Consider winter wheat this fall?

Haven't seeded winter wheat for a few years? Wondering if this is the time to try it again? Here are some reasons, we got back into the winter wheat game:

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AAC Chrome Yellow Peas - Top yielder - Area 1 and Area 2 in Alberta Seed Guide

AAC Chrome Yellow Peas - Top yielder - Area 1 and Area 2 in Alberta Seed Guide

If you are thinking of seeding yellow peas this spring, and are trying to decide which pea variety to pick: Here are some reasons to consider AAC Chrome peas.

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How to pick the best durum variety for your farm

How to pick the best durum variety for your farm

This article compares the durum varieties we have available for spring 2021 and provides some tips to help you determine which variety will work best on your farm.

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How we make seeding decisions

How we make seeding decisions

We asked Don Hubble, our General Manager, to give us some thoughts on how Chin Ridge makes it's seeding decisions. This is our third blog post in our #CountdowntoPlant2021 series.

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Countdown to #Plant2021 - Article 1

Countdown to #Plant2021 - Article 1

Welcome to our Countdown to #Plant2021 blog series! This series explores our take on crop choices and seed treatments as we look towards spring 2021! This article has a bit of fun predicting our start date for seeding this spring.

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Why small seed is an economical choice.

Why small seed is an economical choice.

Small seed size can be an advantage when you buy seed. This is because you can lower your seeding rate in pounds and still achieve your target plant population per acre.

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Why Consider a Forage Blend for Dual Purpose Hay or Pasture Needs?

Why Consider a Forage Blend for Dual Purpose Hay or Pasture Needs?

We have been carrying Northstar Seed forage products for a few years now and every year we learn more about forages and how to best use them.

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