AAC Coldfront
Updated June 10, 2024

AAC Coldfront

SeCan | Performance Data

Available Fall 2024! New AAC Coldfront is our latest hard red winter wheat cultivar with broad adaptation, very good straw strength and excellent yield performance in all production areas of western Canada.


AAC Coldfront is a new high yielding Canadian Western Red Winter wheat variety suitable for Canada's milling and baking class for winter wheat. With very good winter survival and excellent lodging resistance, it is a great choice for high fertility irrigated environments. In addition, based on trial data it appears that Coldfront has strong protein, equivalent to other varieties, while beating those varieties in yield. Coldfront has medium to late maturity and a high test weight. It is rated resistant to stem, leaf and stripe rust, intermediate in resistance to Fusarium head blight, and susceptible to common bunt.

This variety was developed at the Lethbridge research centre by Dr. Rob Graf and associates and is owned by Secan.

Why seed winter wheat? See our blog post.

Combining AAC Coldfront plot - 2023 - photo credit Abe Zacharias Jr.