June 12, 2024 | Kelly Barany, Chin Ridge Seeds (en-CA)
Hey everyone, we wanted to make sure that you were aware that you can apply for an Alberta Government grant through RDAR’s On Farm - Climate Action Fund. If successfully approved, you could recover 85% of your seed costs up to $85/acre and $75000 in total. That’s a lot of seed!
To qualify, you will need to apply for funding in advance and will need a crop advisor or agronomist to approve your management plan for the cover cropping. Note that in order to qualify, the cover crop needs to be a new practice for the farm or the piece of land in question, and also it needs to be a crop purely for cover and not for harvesting purposes (so winter wheat or hybrid rye would not work if you were harvesting them for grain or forage purposes). Fall seeded barley or oats should fit the program parameters.
My understanding is that last year’s program was oversubscribed, and funding will be allocated on a “first come, first served” basis so now is the time to look into this program and get your applications in. More information can be found at: RDAR’s website: On-Farm Climate Action Fund | RDAR . For more information on cover cropping you can also visit our website: Fall Crops and Cover Crops (chinridge.com)
Also see this video on the full program options related to the On-Farm Climate Action Fund (OFCAF) Webinar for 2024 (youtube.com)