March 17, 2016 | Kelly Barany, Chin Ridge Seeds (en-CA)
One of the Facebook groups that I belong to is Alberta Birds. It is a wonderful group, full of very active members. Every day I get to see wonderful photographs of birds that people have seen in the wild or the backyard.
What is particularly good about the page is that I can get an idea of what birds are currently in the area and this helps me plan what sort of birdseed to put in my feeders.
For example, right now I am seeing quite a few postings on redpolls. So that tells me that I should have my feeder full of seed that redpolls will enjoy.
The other great thing about Alberta Birds is that you are able to post a picture of a bird and get some help with identifying it.
So check it out and get networked with some of the other active birders in Alberta.
What to feed Redpolls
Redpolls love our Mother Nature's Finch mix which has some of their favorite seeds including nyjer seed, fine-cut sunflower kernels, and canola seed.